NPO Fundraising Forum 2024


  • 25 training sessions
  • Presentations to download
  • Additional videos to watch
  • 12 months of training!

Guaranteed success

The NPO Fundraising Forum is in-depth training on a wide range of Non-Profit related matters. If you implement what you learn, I guarantee personal and organisational growth!

Focus of the training

The primary focus will be to empower you with Marketing & Fundraising skills. The training covers four pillars of any successful NGO:
People – Technology – Marketing – Fundraising.

Why not also register for one of these . . .?

Self-Care in the NGO Sector
Total video time = 60 minutes
How much does it take from you personally to keep on giving and serving, as part of being employed by, or volunteering, at an NGO?

Setting Boundaries
Total video time = 90 minutes
How good are you with setting boundaries?
Do you know when to say YES – and how to say NO?
What do you allow other people . . . but more importantly, what do you allow YOURSELF?
Raising money for an ANIMAL charity
Total video time = 60 minutes
Animal charities render a vitally important service, but doing good doesn’t guarantee funding. Having good intentions and working hard doesn’t necessarily mean that your animal shelter will meet its fundraising goals.
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